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Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday Hot Links for 12/11/09 ~ Baby, it's Cold Outside!

Welcome to Friday Hot Links for 12/11/09, the "Baby, it's cold outside" edition!  Last week I think I overwhelmed you with SO MUCH to see and do, it seemed like a good idea to cut back a little this week.

Just a note - there will be Hot Links next week (12/18/09), and then we'll be on hiatus until 1/8/10.

Remember, if you come across something in your Interwebz wanderings that you think other teachers could use in their classrooms, please email the link to me!

1. UEN online brain gamesKeep your brain power, even during the cold winter months. Warning - these brain games are addictive!

2. From the  Gifted Exchange, a blog post on "Motivated Kids."  The key comment: "What all this boils down to is creating conditions where students want to learn something because they are personally interested in the answer."  Read the entire post here.

3. The Creative Connections Group in Ohio is sponsoring some gifted-topic webinars (they begin at 7 p.m. Eastern time, which is 5 p.m. Mountain). Sign up here.

Coping with Perfectionism - Tuesday, December 15, 2009 
Web Tools for Gifted Education - Thursday, December 17, 2009

4. EdHelper is an absolutely ROCKIN' site to download tons of free printables. Their graphic organizers are FANTASTIC, and there's material in every subject area. LOTS of stuff is available for free, and $20 or so buys you a year's membership to get access to everything.

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