The time has come to start the registration process for the next online G/T endorsement course. We're working on refining the system to try to make the registration process go more smoothly. Here's the scoop:
1. Somehow, I don't have the day of the week/time information! I have emailed Dr. Hunsaker, and am waiting to hear back from him with that information. I know, I know... it's pretty important info to have when you are figuring out of you are going to enroll in the class! I'll let you know as soon as I hear back from him. (Perhaps this was discussed in a class session that I missed???)
2. The course syllabus was attached to my email, so that you know what the expectations are. This information is also posted on the UEN site, in a folder called "Online G/T Endorsement."
3. If you were enrolled in the first course (6420/30), and wish to enroll in the Spring course (6480/90) ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is email me with your FULL "USU" NAME (whatever they have you enrolled under) AND your A-NUMBER. I must have your A#!!! Hey, if you took the forts course is should be burned in your memory by now, since you needed it every time you logged in for class.
4. If you were NOT enrolled in the first course, but wish to enroll in "Methods and Materials in Gifted Education" for the Spring semester, you may do so. A registration form was attached to my email, and is also posted on the UEN site. It is a type-on PDF. I tested it - using my HASIP Macbook - and was able to download, type-on, do a save-as, and email as an attachment to myself. My fervent hope is that this WILL WORK regardless of what computer you use. The form will also be on the UEN site in the "Online G/T Endorsement" folder. So, new enrollees, DOWNLOAD THE FORM, COMPLETE THE INFORMATION, DO A SAVE-AS (and save it with the title of your last name), AND EMAIL THE FORM BACK TO ME. Follow the instructions form USU at the bottom of my email for completing the form (it's also in the blog post on the UEN site).
Hopefully this all makes sense! If not, get in touch with me. It would be great if we could have this registration done as much as possible before the winter break (in order to save stress as soon as we're back after the new year). The first week of classes is 1/11/10, so let's get this done! :)
A note about the financials: HASIP pays your tuition. If you drop OUTSIDE of the drop period, or fail the course, you get to pay HASIP back approximately $900. Bah, humbug! You DO pay a $90 credit recording fee. I should have been collecting this during October and November for the fall course, but that's another thing that fell through the cracks during my FMLA/bereavement leave. I am NOT going to ask you for this money during the holiday season!!! BUT - do be aware: The reckoning is going to have to come this spring. I KNOW who was enrolled in the Fall course, and I'll know who was in the Spring... you're going to need to pay your $90/course fee ($180 total for both courses) before May. Please start planning for that!!! You can send a check to me at the address below (made payable to "Washington County School District") ANY TIME (if you owe for two courses you can pay each separately in different months). I have the record-keeping set up, so pay when you're ready. But don't forget about it... reminders WILL be sent. Also, receipts will be provided for tax purposes.
Directions for completing the registration forma for new students were included with my email, and are posted on the blog on the UEN site (since this forum is publicly accessible, I won't be posting specific course information here).