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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New UEN Site

Friends, I'm always trying to make the HASIP experience better for everyone.  Getting the documents, resources, and information you need should be EASY, and it should be something you can do from ANY computer - most especially, from whatever machine you have available to you in your classroom.  

I KNOW that many of you can't access my beautiful Blogspot site from school, and the public website syndication of the blog hasn't entirely solved that problem.  I also know that accessing the Confluence intranet site is only possible from your HASIP MacBook, which for some of you, means that you can't tap into those resources while at school.

So... let's try something different and see how it works. We can ALL access UEN from any school computer, as well as from personal computers (and HASIP MacBooks).  I have set up a UEN page for HASIP which has program documents, curriculum resources, website links, and a BLOG for regular communication.  You should be able to access this page from ANYWHERE, including the computer on your desk at school. Right now there's not a ton of content, but I'm adding more and more.

Please visit the site DAILY in order to keep receiving all the important HASIP info you need!  And, I welcome feedback on format and workability of this UEN site.

Our VPN will remain in place, and Confluence will continue to be available for access to previously-shared resources, the JIRA trouble ticket system, etc. I will continue to maintain the Blogspot blog with syndication to the public website (so now, there's THREE place for you to get info - use what works for you!).

The address of the new UEN site is:

Let me know if this improves accessibility for you!


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