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Monday, September 28, 2009

Reminders for 9/28/09

We hope that everyone had a relaxing, rejuvenating weekend! Here are the Program reminders and updates for Monday, 9/27/09:

1. Check the blog DAILY! This is the MAIN communication tool for the High-Ability Program (we're trying to stop cramming your boxes with email).

2. Goal sheets are due by Friday, October 2 (that's THIS week!). This serves as both your professional development and reflections activity for September. We need your goal sheets, both to guide or professional development/reflection activities for October, AND because it's a check-off item for your end-of-year stipend. Teachers, please send a copy to both your coach and to Amy. A copy of the type-on PDF goal sheet is available for download through Confluence - it is currently the top news item (right-hand column of the main page).

3. Teacher Talk will happen this Thursday, 10/1, at 7:00 a.m. in Amy's Wimba room.

4. Check out the front page of the HASIP public website - new site resources, announcements (conferences, etc.) and cool links are posted/updated frequently.

5. Let Amy know about any USU billing issues!

6. Confluence is your friend. We'll be using the Intranet site more and more to provide resources and support. If you need help using your scanner, setting up iChat, using iChat theater (for screen sharing), or setting up/using the Time Machine back-up function you can find video tutorials under "Public Works."

7. The JIRA Trouble ticket system is also your friend. This is the BEST way to let us know that you have a tech problem. You can access it through Confluence - Click on "Department of Public Works" on the main page, and then go to the third blue box on the right and click on "Create a New Issue." You can also link through the public website via - click on "HASIP Help" in the "HASIP Participants" drop-down menu on the right.

KEEP COMING BACK! (Because the blog is your friend, too.)

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